Thursday, April 2, 2015

Do you have enough?

I had a rather urgent request from my daughter. Her request was that I stop buying toys for the children.   She explained that she had been trying to tidy and organize the children's bedrooms and found that her daughter had 15 dolls.

I know, for sure that I haven't supplied that little gal with any more than two dolls... the last being this one –

I totally understand my daughters frustration. Her first point was that if every time the children visited I gave them something they would come to expect this. Her second point was that the more they accumulate the less they appreciate.

When I was little I had two dolls and I and I loved them dearly. As I got older I talked my parents into more. I'm sure I loved them all but none so much as those first two dolls.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that I have a cumulated too much stuff. Moving from a 2500 square-foot home into an 800 square-foot home brought many challenges but the biggest challenge was getting rid of years of accumulation that just didn't fit into this small house.  Parting with stuff is difficult. Stuff holds memories.  I have learned however that no matter how hard I hold onto certain items I cannot bring the past back. I can hold it in my heart however.

It is said that you spend the first half of your life accumulating things and the last half your life disposing of those things.

Why do we buy?  Why do we gather?. Is it because we fill all those empty spaces in our life with things that can only bring a temporary joy?

What is your reason for accumulating so much? little Doll...I will stop buying for the children and provide them instead with memories, cookies and all those other good things


  1. Interesting post with a very important question. We are at a point in our life where it's important to clean things up when we are able.

  2. I think I'm a hoarder! Seriously! can never have enough dolls! :0)

    Thank you so much for the supportive and kind words my friend! Much appreciated!
