Thursday, May 15, 2014

I'm afraid that this blog has fallen to the fate of everything that requires a degree of effort.  Since starting to work full time, 12 hour night shifts, I have slept my way through blogging and painting and just about everything else that I have ever enjoyed.

So folks, I will be back now and then until March of 2016 when I throw in my hat and join the ranks of unemployed and loving it.

Thank you for every comment that you have left along the way.  I will continue to visit your lovely blogs.



  1. I hope that you can take some time to rest Wendy.Night shift for a nurse must be really difficult.

    God bless, Hugs,

  2. 12 hour shifts? Yuk. I don't think 12 hour shifts are beneficial for anybody. Now I will know what is happening to your blog providing that I can remember it.
