Monday, April 15, 2013

Today I cycled 7 km. I doubt that I will be able to walk tomorrow. Right now, however, I am feeling quite smug.

I think the trick is to start small and do often. I am not one to walk the talk though. The day was beautiful, and it called to me.

Have you heard the term "Green Exercise? I hadn't until recently... Check out what Wikipedia has to say....

I ended up my ride at the Talbot River. There, a fish sanctuary is run by parks Canada. I spoke to two (good looking) officers who told me that the Walleye run is almost done. What is concerning is that there are so few fish. I saw four.

In years past these waters were teeming with these fish. According the the Parks officer...there are no fish.

I walked away speechless.

As I peered into the water below, I felt as if my head was bowed in an act of sympathy...reverence ...sorrow.

Something we do not quite understand is happening to our environment.

I know little. These officers do not know what has caused this decline. What I do know is that we have to become aware of how man's actions may be negatively impacting the environment. If we don't, we will be leaving little for the next generation to enjoy....and instead of the sign below saying "no fishing," it will read "No fish!!"


  1. As a native N American once said of the way we think about nature... "We will not worry about the fish until we have eaten the last one". How sad.
    Jane x

  2. Great that you cycled 7 km. I've ridden about 300 m. It's just not suitable.
    Sadly the fish story is all too common.
